The United Kingdom Has Opened Its First Gambling Clinic for Children

The United Kingdom Has Opened Its First Gambling Clinic for Children

Posted on July 18, 2024 by in Gambling
The United Kingdom Has Opened Its First Gambling Clinic for Children
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Looking to solve the rising problem of gambling addiction among teenagers in the United Kingdom, the National Health Service (NHS) has established its very first gambling clinic for kids and adolescents.

There have been severe underlying concerns that an increase in particular gambling promotions and the prevalence of internet gaming websites is alarmingly driving more kids to give gambling a try. Reports from the UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) states that approximately 55,000 children living in Britain are already can be grouped as having developed gambling problems.

The initial National Problem Gambling Clinic based in London is anticipated to provide support to gambling addict children aged from 13 to 25.

Gambling associates To Stress and Depression


The chief executive of NHS England, Simon Stevens, stated that his firm seriously takes the potential danger and outcomes of gambling-related damages to British families and citizens, most notably the young adults.

Stevens continued to express that addiction to gambling is often associated with mental health issues, like depression and stress. The NHS has plans to launch quite a number of clinics in the coming months so as to take care of these problems and reduce the life-long trauma caused by gaming.

The gambling industry allocates close to £1.5 billion for marketing and advertising campaigns each year, but only a tiny portion of this vast amount is given to assist in combating the quickly growing problems of gambling addiction. Gambling Commission approximates that close to 2 million are faced with the danger of developing gambling disorder in the United Kingdom, with very many already afflicted by a heavy compulsive urge toward gaming.

Carolyn Harris, the MP Akins Gambling Industry to “Polluters”

Labor MP for Swansea East has supported the establishment of the new clinic stating that it is now time for the attitudes toward gambling compulsion to take a new turn. Harris has gone ahead to compare gaming regulators to “polluters,” indicating that the industry requires to be subjected to accountability for its exploitation and abusing of problem wagers of all ages.

Gambling with Lives is a firm geared towards helping the needy launched by the friends and families of young women and men who have considered their own lives as a direct impact of gambling? Liz Ritchie, who has been working with the foundation is very much pleased that the NHS is launching a new clinic but states that a staking clinic may not be sufficient to address the widely spread problem. She expressed that gambling addicts are fifteen times more likely to think of committing suicide than other general participating individuals in the public.

The specialist NHS treatment center for problem gambling  has exclusively been made accessible currently in London only  as at now, but a total of fourteen new clinics are being planned  to be established all over the country, starting with Leeds NHS Northern Gambling Service in the coming few months followed by Clinics in Sunderland and  Manchester