The Congress of “Junta de Castilla y Leon” talks about online bingo

The Congress of “Junta de Castilla y Leon” talks about online bingo

Posted on June 18, 2024 by in Gambling
The Congress of “Junta de Castilla y Leon” talks about online bingo
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The Junta de Castilla y León and the four subsectors of autonomic gambling – bingo, casinos and machines – have sought the hottest issues in the current panorama of the entire private game, so that they are of the highest interest and can not leave indifferent To none of those attending the Congress. In the program of the Congress it is foreseen that different tables-colloquium in which will be analyzed topics of maximum actuality, both for the business sector of the private game as for the different public administrations that are going to attend the event.

The morning of Tuesday, November 15, is scheduled to hold two tables-colloquium, the first of which is entitled: “TOWARDS A NEW MODEL OF GAME HALLS”. In this table will be discussed the offer of new games that in recent years are making the gaming rooms are evolving towards a new concept of gambling establishment, away from the old idea of ​​the room as a place where they were exclusively exploited Machines “B”. For that reason, the exponential increase of its number will be analyzed in all Spain, as far as they can go and remain profitable. On the other hand, they will be discussed aspects relating to taxation or advertising.

It will continue with table-talk “THE NEW Maxibingo of Castile and Leon AND CONDITIONS SIMILAR in other regions.” It will analyze the new type of bingo game in Castile and Leon called “Maxibingo”, effectively applied in this Community in the test phase, comparing the situation of other similar bingo games that are emerging in other Autonomous Communities, analyzing whether it is better birth as a form of traditional bingo or as a form of electronic bingo, and the difficulties of implementation of one or the other for their tax impact, employment, etc.

on Tuesday afternoon will be discussed in a table which bears Title “THE ATTACHED ROOMS OF CASINO GAMES”, an aspect of interest for this gambling subsector, while the annexed rooms are proliferating in the Autonomous Communities and affect the business model, the offer of games and other services that traditionally came offering, as well as taxation and profitability of the gambling casinos.

on Wednesday morning , November 16, the table-colloquium entitled “tHE gROUPING MACHINES” B “iN HOSPITALITY” will be held, in which regulation and experience of the autonomous communities in this model of operation of machines, which is a tendency in recent times, and the variety of traditional carousel system or the new system interconnection under server will be considered.

the celebration of this Congress has the presence of much of the relevant Directors – General of the Autonomous Communities and the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration.

the thirteenth edition of the Congress of Game Castilla y Leon, who has been held itinerant by the different provinces of the Community recent years, is a national reference in the study and discussion on gambling and betting.

the Congress, organized by the Junta de Castilla y Leon, it has the support of the main associations of the various subsectors of traditional gaming, such as The Castile and Leon Business Association of Authorized Gambling (ASECAL), Castile and Leon (SAJUCAL) business association, ASEOCYL and FAOCALE association of gaming machines, and Community Casinos Roxy in Valladolid, Casino del Tormes in Salamanca, Casino Conde Luna in Leon), and has the support of the City of Segovia, the Provincial Council of Segovia and IE University.

an attendance of over 250 congressmen are expected, and the event Will develop in the facilities of IE University, Calle Cardenal Zúñiga 12, of the city of Segovia.


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