The great cricket player Nick Compton is totally taking the break from the cricket which is said to be indefinite break and it is a shock announcement to all the people in the cricket and also for the cricket team. It is the decision which is been decided by him after following the great country side England batsman who is named as Middlesex and he has described the cricket as the great challenging start in this year 2016 for the team which is related to both mental and also physical aspects.
This great player Compton who is about 32 has found out his place in the test side which is found to be under the increasing scrutiny and it is during the 2 – 0 win against the Srilankan team and this Compton has also suffered a lot and struggled for the total summer. This person is also said to be the great right hander who has average of about 16.77 from the total 11 class innings. This person then expected to be again replaced or placed in the position number which is three for the series found to be against the team of Pakistan in the next month.
There is a very big statement which is been given by the great player who is the Middlesex and he has mentioned that there is a very big challenging start which is found in this year which is 2016 and this is the season which is found to destroy both the physical and also the mental aspects. The person also has given an open statement that it will be highly better to take rest by moving away from the game for some period and this will also help the person to improve himself from his position or the present status.
The great director of the country who is names as Angus Fraser told to the talk sports that the player is highly in need of rest for long period and it will highly help him to come out from the position and it will in turn help him to do his best in the other cricket matches. Critics also say that this player who will become 33 years old in this Sunday and he has been forced to return to the England nation and this will lead to two years absence. This break will be totally positive and people are highly expecting to get positive result after this great break period. The Srilanka series has given a caution to the coach of England to review the position of the player and to analyze the condition of the player very deeply. He has said to the public that the total capacity of the player will be highly reviewed deeply in order to improve and enhance the performance of the player deeply.
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