He bets that he can eat $ 1,000 McDonald’s in 36h but can he only survive?

He bets that he can eat $ 1,000 McDonald’s in 36h but can he only survive?

Posted on June 26, 2024 by in Betting
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A poker player, obviously very ambitious, took the bet to eat for $ 1,000 McDonald’s in less than 36 hours and betting 5-to-1. If one imagines the amount of “food” to absorb to succeed, One can only complain in advance of his stomach but also his whole body.

Bet against Matt Savage, tournament director

The bet seems very difficult to achieve. And again, we do not take into account the many conditions of this bet launched by Matt Savage. Mike Noori, who accepted to take the challenge, may have calculated his shot but if I had a few bets to bet on the event, I would clearly bet against him. Absorbing $ 1,000 from McDonald’s is very close to the impossible. Moreover, a victory could cost him may be more expensive in sequelae.

In addition to being difficult, the betting comes with many conditions. Mike Noori can only eat $ 200 maximum in salad, must eat at least $ 300 of hot food including $ 50 of burgers. He has the right to consume drinks but these will not be counted in the note. He has no right to remove purchased items (no question of removing the pickle from the burger for example, he must swallow everything). On the other hand, it has the right to add elements, such as a bacon or cheese supplement for example.

Finally, he has no right to change his food form. He cannot chop or mix his menu to swallow it more easily. He has the right to vomit once but not more (good luck to do that once with this dose of McDonald’s). He does not have the right to go to places like airports to pay more for his food. Finally, it must always be accompanied by an impartial person to monitor all these conditions.

Suffice to say that Mike Noori can only go straight into the wall. I do not see any strategy that will allow him to succeed without endangering his life. The player announced that he would start the bet by eating $ 500 of apples, which corresponds to 15,000 calories (the equivalent of the 8-day calorie intake of food).

The bet will take place from May 19th at midday to midnight on May 20th. We do not know the sums in play but Noori could probably win a 6-figure sum if he succeeds and many other players wanted to take part in the challenge by betting for or against Noori.

And good appetite, of course.

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