Another meeting in the NFL board regarding doping

Another meeting in the NFL board regarding doping

Posted on June 4, 2024 by in Basketball
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If you are an athlete and you want to try your luck on some major tournament, or just simple exhibition match with one of the boosters called doping, than you risk that your career will be standing still for at least four years. Coming alive from 1st of January the minimum suspension that you can receive is four years, updated from the two years that were until the end of 2014.

The World Anti-Doping has decided that the bans should be striker because of the number of people and athletes still using some substances of this kind, and skipping tests before important games, therefore being unfair for the competition and for the audience that are watching the games of any kind.

Helen Grant that represents the UK Government added few more words in the interview and said that there will also be bans for people who will refuse to take tests within 12 months’ time. The ban will be from 18 to 24 months suspension.

The spots minister added that it would be better for all the competitions out there to be free from doping, it would be better for the audience that are watching the games, as they won’t be one sided, and it would be better for the people who ever doubted whether to take one or no.

The athletes who will help other athletes get doped will serve two years suspension and they can get the penalty reduced by proving that they don’t have anything to do with it.

On the other hand the people who take dope and later on admit, they will receive a reduced penalty because it is clear that they have regret their decision. There will as well be penalty reductions if they tell on someone who is included in the black market of drugs as well as if they do community service in the UK.

The decision that came from the government of UK represented by Helen Grant will not be under any negotiable or protest forms, because they are sure that with this changes they will bring stability in the NFL as a sport and in every other sport played in between their borders. Reforms about other methods of cheating are to be looked upon in the next sports commissary meeting and they will be announced right after the one.

WADA agreed that the government can help them in the search of any athlete who is breaking the low, and they are being strict. After 18 months of negotiation they have finally found a mutual topic to talk about, and the relationship will sure be long and powerful.

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